The Ag Show (a short form of Agricultural Show) was earlier known as just an exhibition.
In the past, the Ag Show included only the display of agricultural products. However, it has evolved over time and has now shaped into the greatest fare of the island! The name of this grand event has also been changed to the Bermuda Annual Exhibition.
We have been attending the Ag Show since we were little! It was a great outing then and is still a great outing now that we are older.
It is one of our biggest crowd-pullers in the country and is held over three (3) consecutive days in April. This year (2020), it is being held on April 23rd, 24th, and 25th. We enjoy attending and definitely recommend our guests to experience it as well.
Consistently, it has been drawing over 20,000 visitors for the past several years. Being held at the Bermuda Botanical Gardens, the public display allures tourists to make a visit to the island and enjoy it to the fullest.
Bermuda’s exquisite traditions like:
• kite making • woodcraft • culinary art • horticulture • school exhibitions • floral-shows • livestock • sports • cultural shows
are represented from morning until early evening over each of the three days of The Ag Show.
Personal tips:
• Don’t skip the mini donuts – we love them and are sure you will too! Be sure to grab them early to avoid the long lines – they are a favourite!
• Also, we recommend that attendees carry a towel or blanket to sit on when they find a good spot on the embankment for watching the shows from in the main rings.
Additional note:
Each and every stall donate part or all of the proceeds made during the Ag Show to local charities. We are here for it!
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